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მეგობარი საიტები

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გაუმარჯოს, Guest · RSS 2024-05-04, 10:38 AM

მთავარი » ფაილები » Counter Strike

[ ] 2008-01-01, 9:07 PM
1: amx_addadmin [password] [authtype] - add specified player as an admin to users.ini
2: amx_addban [reason]
3: amx_ban [reason]
4: amx_banip [reason]
5: amx_banmenu - displays ban menu
6: amx_cancelvote - cancels last vote
7: amx_cfg
8: amx_cfgmenu - displays configs menu
9: amx_chat - sends message to admins
10: amx_clcmdmenu - displays client cmds menu
11: amx_cmdmenu - displays commands menu
12: amx_csay - sends center hud message to all players
13: amx_cvar [value]
14: amx_cvarmenu - displays cvars menu
15: amx_help [nr of cmds (only for server)] - displays this help
16: amx_kick [reason]
17: amx_kickmenu - displays kick menu
18: amx_langmenu
19: amx_leave [tag] [tag] [tag]
20: amx_map
21: amx_mapmenu - displays changelevel menu
22: amx_menu - displays menus available to client
23: amx_nick
24: amx_off - pauses some plugins
25: amx_on - unpauses some plugins
26: amx_pause - pause or unpause the game
27: amx_pausecfg - list commands for pause/unpause management
28: amx_pausecfgmenu - pause/unpause plugins with menu
29: amx_psay - sends private message
30: amx_rcon
31: amx_reloadadmins
32: amx_say - sends message to all players
33: amx_setlang
34: amx_showrcon
35: amx_slap [power]
36: amx_slapmenu - displays slap/slay menu
37: amx_slay
38: amx_speechmenu - displays speech menu
39: amx_statscfg - displays help for stats configuration
40: amx_statscfgmenu - displays stats configuration menu
41: amx_teammenu - displays team menu
42: amx_tsay - sends left side hud message to all players
43: amx_unban
44: amx_vote
45: amx_voteban
46: amx_votekick
47: amx_votemap [map] [map] [map]
48: amx_votemapmenu - displays votemap menu
49: amxmodmenu - displays menus
50: say @[@|@|@][w|r|g|b|y|m|c] - displays hud message
51: say /hp - display info. about your killer (chat)
52: say /me - display current round stats (chat)
53: say /rank - display your rank (chat)
54: say /rankstats - display your server stats (MOTD)
55: say /report - display weapon status (say_team)
56: say /score - display last score (chat)
57: say /stats - display players stats (menu/MOTD)
58: say /statsme - display your stats (MOTD)
59: say /switch - switch client's stats on or off
60: say /top15 - display top 15 players (MOTD)
61: say currentmap - display current map
62: say ff - display friendly fire status
63: say nextmap - displays nextmap
64: say thetime - displays current time
65: say timeleft - displays timeleft
66: say_team @ - displays message to admins
67: say_team /hp - display info. about your killer (chat)
68: say_team /me - display current round stats (chat)
69: say_team /rank - display your rank (chat)
70: say_team /rankstats - display your server stats (MOTD)
71: say_team /report - display weapon status (say_team_team)
72: say_team /score - display last score (chat)
73: say_team /stats - display players stats (menu/MOTD)
74: say_team /statsme - display your stats (MOTD)
75: say_team /switch - switch client's stats on or off
76: say_team /top15 - display top 15 players (MOTD)
Predator Mod Commands
77: admin_enable_predator 1/0 - Turns on and off the predator mode (default 1)
78: admin_everyone_predator 1/0 - Turns on and off the EVERYONE predator mode (default 0)
79: admin_frags_predator [number] - Decide how many frags you need to pay to become a predator (default 20)
80: admin_money_predator [number] - Decides how much money you need to pay to become a predator (default 16,000)
81: admin_plasma_predator[number] - Decides how many plasma shots a predator will get (default 3)
82: admin_frags_plasma [number] - Decides how many frags a predator gets for plasma kill (default 1)
83: admin_frags_knife [number] - Decides how many frags a predator gets for knife kill (default 2)
84: admin_kill_money [number] - Decides how much money a predator gets for each kill (default 300)
85: admin_predator [name][type][plasma] - Change a player into a predator, choose type of predator and amount of plasma
86: admin_predatorteam [team][type][plasma] - Same as admin_predator just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
87: admin_unpredator [name] - Change a predator into a human
88: admin_unpredatorteam [team] - Same as admin_unpredator just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
89: admin_addplasma [name][number] - Adds Plasma shoots to a predator (player have to be a predator)
90: admin_predator_custom [name][type] - Changes a player's MODEL into a predator model *NOTE, HE IS NOT A PREDATOR*
91: admin_view_predator [number] - Changes the speed of the bodyheat (default 0.2) [change map to take effect]
92: admin_hp_predator [number] - sets amount of HP the predator gets (default 200)
კატეგორია: Counter Strike | დაამატა: TIGER
ნანახია: 968 | გადმოწერილია: 0 | რეიტინგი: 2.0/1 |

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